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Poultry/Hatching eggs for sale

Laying hens

Currently we have no laying hens for sale.

Young roosters

Currently we have no young roosters for sale.

Meat birds

Currently we have no live meat birds for sale. Please contact us to inquire about processed meat birds.

Khaki Campbell ducks

Currently we have no ducks.

Hatching chicken eggs

Hatching eggs from our laying hens are avaliable most of the time. Please email us for information.

Hatching duck eggs

Currently we do have any ducks.

Chicken eggs for consumption - Currently not available

$4.50/half dozen (6)
$7/dozen (12)

$10/dozen & a half (18)

Currently, we have chicken eggs for sale. Our chickens are fed a home blended diet that does not contain wheat, corn or soy. They range 3 acres during daylight hours and are housed at night in a secure coop. We typically do not wash or refrigerate our eggs. Eggs are laid with a natural coating on them that seals the shell and prevents bacteria from entering. We are happy to wash eggs upon request but please be sure to keep them refrigerated at all times if you request this service.

Duck eggs for consumption - currently unavailable

$4.50/half dozen (6)
$8/dozen (12)

$11/dozen & a half (18)

Currently, we do not have duck eggs for sale.
Our ducks are fed a home blended diet that does not contain wheat, corn or soy. They range 3 acres during daylight hours and have access to a pool at all times. We typically do not wash or refrigerate our eggs. Eggs are laid with a natural coating on them that seals the shell and prevents bacteria from entering. We are happy to wash eggs upon request but please be sure to keep them refrigerated at all times if you request this service.

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